Fundamentals of WordPress


Hello everyone! We are going to arrange a workshop about the Fundamentals of WordPress. This is our third workshop. It’s a series workshop. But, don’t worry! We will start from the beginning of this part. You can understand all.

Registration Procedure:

Step 01: Invite at least 10 Facebook friends or LinkedIn connections to this event.
Step 02: Take a screenshot.
Step 03: Fill up the registration form and upload the screenshot there.

Event Links

Facebook Event Link: Fundamentals of WordPress
LinkedIn Event Link: Fundamentals of WordPress



What you’ll learn from here?

We’ll cover these topics:
-> Introduction of Cloudflare
-> Setup and configure Cloudflare
-> Setup Cloudflare SSL
-> Introduction of WordPress
-> Setup WordPress manually
-> Setup Database manually for WordPress
-> Some common error solving
-> WordPress Debugging
-> Recap from the last workshop: DNS Management


Fundamentals of WordPress


What you’ll get from this workshop:

  • Knowledge about Cloudflare
  • Learn about how to setup WordPress & Database manually
  • Knowledge about WordPress error solving and debugging
  • A virtual certificate from cornQ

And so on!

Seats are limited. We’ll follow the “FIFO” method!

Workshop partner of Fundamentals of WordPress

Meet our youth partner Youth School of Health & Hygiene – YSHH for this workshop! Youth School of Health & Hygiene (YSHH) is a nonprofit youth organization established in 2021, ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all ages. YSHH focuses on Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being.

Fundamentals of WordPress

Our previous workshops

  1. Fundamentals of Web Hosting
  2. Web Development Newbie – Online Workshop

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