.COM Domain Name at $8.56 | Free .XYZ and .Me

Announcement, Campaign

.COM Domain Name at $8.56 | Free .XYZ and .Me

.COM AT $8.56!


Campaign Conditions:

  • The campaign starts on 11.06.2024 and ends on 13.06.2024.
  • During the campaign, COM domain prices will be applied as $8.56 for every existing and new customer of CORNQ.
  • Each customer can register a maximum of 100 COM domains at a discounted price during the campaign. Once the specified limit for the relevant customers is exceeded, purchase transactions will be priced at the standard rate.
  • Discounted prices are only valid for the first year.
  • One free XYZ and ME domain can be registered for each COM domain registered under the campaign. Read Free .xyz & .me Conditions.
  • Each customer benefiting from the campaign is deemed to have accepted the campaign conditions.
  • CORNQ reserves the right to change the campaign conditions and terminate the campaign without prior notice.

Free Domain / .xyz & .me Conditions:

1. Free .xyz and .me campaign is valid for all our existing and new customers.

2. In the .com, the .xyz and .me extensions of the same domain name will be given free of charge for each registered domain name. Ex. cornq.xyz or cornq.me can be registered on the same day as cornq.com. The registration date of both domains must be the same.

Domain Registration Date Free Domain Registration Date
cornq.com 11.06.2024 cornq.xyz 11.06.2024 CORRECT
cornq.com 11.06.2024 cornq.xyz 12.06.2024 FALSE
cornq.com 11.06.2024 cornq01.me 11.06.2024 FALSE


3. The fee paid for domains with .xyz and .me extensions registered will be refunded to your CORNQ account by the 10th day of the following month.

4. Free .xyz and .me campaign is only valid for new registrations for 1 year.

5. CORNQ (www.cornq.com) reserves the right to change or cancel the campaign conditions without prior notice.

6. For any questions or support requests regarding the campaign, you can contact the CORNQ customer support team.

7. This campaign started on 11.06.2026 and will end on 13.06.2024.

8. Limited Stock. The limit is 500/per month.

9. Domains associated with betting, gambling, spam, and morally objectionable activities are outside the scope of the campaign and such domains will be deleted. In this context, no refund will be made for deleted domains.


The coupon code is GOCORNQ

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